Can I be Honest?

To be human means that you will make mistakes…all with a capable heart to Love God and yourself past internal and external failures. Misconceived notions of success at the age of 25, was planned in my 21 year old thought process. Yes, I thought that by the age of 25..I would be in medical school, fallen in love, married to my purpose partner, and be having a wonderful sex life with my husband(can I be honest?). But, now that I am 25 years old..I’ve published a book, started up some businesses(that has made me money in the beginning..and I’m still believing!), quit my Job, left a church and was abandoned by a business coach who I thought had my best interest at heart. And the last thing is…..I’m about to move in with my parents after being away from home for 8 years.

Not how I envisioned my 25 year old life to be.

But, here’s the thing..Someone I follow on social media said this…”Take responsibility for where you are.” Although the edge of that pointy sentence hit hard in the beginning. This actually brought me a very unusual way. It’s helped me to bring closure with the gloom I feel of not being where I want or wanted to be. It’s helped me to say..ok girl..Accept that where you are at right now isn’t how you expected things to be..BUTTT..I know that God has a bigger plan envisioned for me. The only way to be unstuck is by constantly acknowledging that..”there’s only up^^^ from here”(inserts a plane taking off into sky).

I left bad relationships, published a book, Left a church, Left a Job, and had some uncontrollable things happen to me…(all of which I can voluntarily take responsibility for).

I just know that God sees and knows where I am. He loves me past all the bad thoughts and wrong walks. Remembering all of Gods promises to me has given me HOPE. Hope is such a gift..because no matter how dark, or undesirable life may that light that keeps me on my feet, and nudges me to keep walking.

Psalm 124:1 If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say;

Here are some things I’ve learned from this year…and turning 25 years old:

1. Be ready for possible shifts

2. Obey God

3. Listen to God

4. Obey God

5. Obey God

6. Save your money

7. There is more than one way to make your research.

8. Acknowledge the season you are in

9. Know that you are filled with GREATNESS…YOU ARE POWERFUL AND YOU ARE GREAT

10. Be Real with Yourself

11. Your time is valuable…don’t compromise your plans for others who have no intentions for your sanity and happiness

12. Pray

13. Read your bible

14. Worship

15. Believe


  1. This reminded me of how things in my mid-20s was also a time of some curves in my path but looking back few years later I see God’s providence in what He was doing.
    This post was VERY honest lol.


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