Love those who don’t want to be Loved.

Who in your life is pushing you away?

Who has been hurting?

Can you see past their stubborness?

Can see you see past their rude attitude towards you?

Can we love those who hurt us, to the core.

Keep trying,  and never give up.

That person is pushing you away, because they are scared that you will break past that wall they are putting up. They are scared that you Love them that much! 

Keep loving on them, and never feel sorry for yourself.

Keep Loving on them until they see that you are that loving caring mother,  father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandmother or Friend.

Do the unexpected for them

It’s your Love that keeps them alive.

Share the love of Christ.

Never Give up. God will strengthen you.


  1. the wisdom in this post is powerful = and I fully agree- the hurt tend to hurt others – and the ones that need warmth usually exhibit the behavior least likely to want us to give them warmth.


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